name James Bond

codename 007

nationality British

occupation MI6 Field Operative

apparent age Early 40s

gender Male

orientation Demisexual

marital His Prince Charming
This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like.
This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like. This profile's ideal if you've got a lot of things to write. Write as much or as little as you want, this box scrolls. This is what Bold, Italics, and a Link would look like.

This is a WORDS code.

This is yet another gay ISHI alt.

OOC =/= IC - keep the two separated.

Smut's for the love interest & in PM only.

I write Bond however I want. Deal with it.

Daniel Craig FC preference. Fight me.